• TRI SUYATNO STAB Negeri Raden Wijaya


The purpose of this research is to develop existing teaching materials
(powerpoint) into Android-based teaching materials. Which is in the form of
an application (apk) that is integrated with a personal smartphone. This
application is expected to facilitate the teaching and learning process. This
research uses the research and development (R&D) method, which is a
research method used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness
of these products.
Based on the results of the questionnaire for carrying out the media test. Based
on the results of the media test, the following results were obtained, the result
was 92% and had very good criteria and there was no need to revise the media
being developed. Meanwhile, a questionnaire was given to material experts.
The researcher got the data from filling out the 80% criterion questionnaire
and had good criteria. With the development of Android-based learning
media, it is hoped that it will facilitate learning in the Abhidhamma Pitaka
course at STAB Negeri Raden Wijaya. In addition, the media can be used as
teaching materials which can be optimized as a second source after the
Abhidhamma book.
Keywords: Abhidhamma, Android, Learning Media, Applications

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