• Akhmad Zaeni Universitas Al-Falah As-sunniyyah Jember
  • Ahidul Asror Universitas Islam Negeri KH Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Imam B. Juhari Universitas Islam Negeri KH Achmad Siddiq Jember


The development of scientific progress is a necessity, this includes all sciences, both politics, economics, natural sciences, and so on, including
Islamic education which is also experiencing very rapid development. This
includes being influenced by the development of the philosophy of science,
there are at least 4 phases in the philosophy of the development of science,
namely: the initial phase to the renaissance, then the positivism phase, the
modern phase to the contemporary phase. Likewise, Islamic studies also
experienced developments starting from the classical, modern and
contemporary periods, and in this contemporary period it was divided into 5
trends, namely: fundamentalist, traditional, reformistic, posttraditionalistic
and modernistic. The development of Islamic science is at least influenced by
3 reasons: to meet the material and spiritual needs of Muslims need Islamic
science, the burial of metaphysical aspects, or aspects that cannot be
measured in the lab by western science and the need for Islamic science by
Muslims who are in an area where . the development of contemporary science
with a culture that is not the same as the west. And to answer and resolve all
the problems above, it is necessary to present a philosophy of science in the
development of Islamic science (Islamic studies). The purpose of this research
is to briefly discuss the contribution of the philosophy of science to the growth
of Islamic studies. The research method used is a qualitative approach, using
data analysis using data reduction, presenting data, drawing conclusions. All
types of knowledge that humans need as servants of God are the creation of
laws that are permissible and must. The scientist does not limit himself to his
own field of study but on the contrary he must look to fields which are close
to developing a science whose impact does not prohibit greed of material
possessions but on realist, ethical, harmonious, and religious presuppositions.
However, the author appreciates the approach that claims that knowing a
little (particular) is better than knowing a little (general) things.
Keywords: Philosophy of Science, Development, Islamic Studies

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