CIPP صعوبات تعليم علم البلاغة في مدرسة إلكيسي الثانوية موجوكرتو مشكلات وحلول دراسة تقويمية على نموذج

  • Abdullah Sarif STIBADA MASA
  • Dewi Chamidah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


As a continuation of learning Arabic in an educational institution in general, after students are deemed to have abilities in the fields of sharf and nahwu, the next level is to study the science of Arabic rhetoric, namely Balaghah, which is one of the subjects that is quite complicated to learn.

This research aims to explain the difficulties of learning Balaghah Science at Elkisi High School, trying to reveal difficulties and problems, as well as providing solutions and suggestions to advance learning because this is considered very important in learning Arabic, both for religious and scientific purposes.

Researchers used a descriptive approach and direct observation in detecting the difficulties faced by non-native Arabic speakers of an evaluation study based on the CIIP model, especially students at Elkisi High School, Mojokerto. Researchers found a number of problems that hinder the good learning of Balaghah Science. This problem exists in the entire educational process, starting from lesson hours, students, teachers, and the textbooks used. Researchers in this case only focus on three main problems, namely the difficulty of the material, the background of students' Arabic language skills and knowledge of Arab culture.

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