Accreditation as a guarantor of quality of educational services at Ma’had Aly Darussalam

  • Muh. Khotibul Umam Universitas KH. Mukhtar Syafa’at
  • Siti Aimah Universitas KH. Mukhtar Syafa’at
  • Ahmat Zakaria Ramadan Universitas KH. Mukhtar Syafa’at


The main objective of this study is to analyze the role of accreditation as a guarantor of the quality of educational services at Ma'had Aly Darussalam and how the accreditation process can encourage continuous improvement in various aspects of institutions, curriculum, and teaching. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study design, combining in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation to explore the role of accreditation in improving the quality of education at Ma'had Aly Darussalam, with thematic data analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding. The results of this discussion indicate that the accreditation process at Ma'had Aly Darussalam has had a significant impact on improving the quality of education. Accreditation encourages the development of an adaptive curriculum, integrating religious knowledge and modern science based on competency, and preparing students to face the challenges of globalization. In addition, accreditation also improves the competence of lecturers through ongoing training, which has an impact on more effective and interactive teaching methods. Public trust in Ma'had Aly also increases, because accreditation provides legitimacy that confirms the quality of education. Overall, accreditation plays a major role in improving the quality of education and strengthening the position of Ma'had Aly in the eyes of the community and the world of education.

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