The Formation of Multicultural Habituation Through Pesantren Local Curriculum
This research explores the formation of multicultural habituation through the local curriculum in pesantren, focusing on the design of the HAMIM curriculum in Pesantren Al- Mashduqiah Probolinggo and its implementation. Multicultural habituation is increasingly relevant in a diverse society, where educational institutions play an important role in fostering understanding and tolerance among students from different cultural backgrounds. This study investigates how the HAMIM curriculum design and its implementation, as part of the local curriculum of Pesantren Al-Mashduqiah, integrates multicultural values and practices to promote a harmonious and inclusive environment. Using a qualitative approach with a single case embedded approach, this study used interviews, observations, and document analysis to find out the HAMIM local curriculum design and its implementation in shaping the multicultural habituation of santri. The findings show that HAMIM's curriculum design applies teaching, nurturing and social practice patterns in shaping students' multicultural habituation. And as for the implementation, it is with several daily programs and specific activities such as strengthening regulations, prospects, the role of asatidz / mudabbir, conditioning the physical and non-physical environment, the program to become mudabbir, the Niha'ie program, to the service program.