conflict, israel-palestine, macroeconomic, indonesia

  • Heny Handayani Politeknik STIA LAN Jakarta


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the latest in a dispute between the two sides over the past seven decades. The purpose of this study is to determine the direct impact on the economy, especially in Indonesia. The method used in this study is qualitative using secondary data, as well as data collection techniques, namely documentation. The impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on macroeconomics in Indonesia includes rising oil prices, supply disruptions, affecting the financial sector & rupiah exchange rate, and its impact on the trade sector. Efforts made by the Indonesian government in anticipating the macroeconomic impact of the war between Israel and Palestine, the most important thing must be done by the Government of Indonesia is to focus the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget to strengthen people's purchasing power and maintain food inflation, especially rice. Immediately the government also suppressed non-essential spending, including lighthouse projects that have no urgency for the people, such as the National Capital (IKN) and high-speed trains.


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How to Cite
Heny Handayani. (2023). INDONESIA’S MACROECONOMIC AFFECTS FROM THE ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN WAR. Ar-Ribhu : Jurnal Manajemen Dan Keuangan Syariah, 4(2), 100-110. Retrieved from
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