Wayang dan Mutasi Value of Islam Dalam Permainan Wayang

  • Ahmad Fauzi Imron Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong


Islam is a religion rahmatan lil ‘Alamin (blessing for the
universe), of course, we as Muslims are required to make Islam as
guidance in social life, because sometimes the habits or norms terben tuk
in society are not in accordance with the teachings of Islam we already
believe to be true. For that it is necessary the straightening straightening
mengkiblat in the teachings of Islam, which indeed it is an absolute
thing to do as a Muslim, which of course it can not be separated from
the translation of translation as a form of extracting the values of
Islam to understand. The rest leave in case there is need for appropriate
methods as the approach used in the hang of the moral values of Islam
to the community.
In this study the researchers wanted to know the purpose of establishing
a puppet in the hamlet syadat Gentong as media approach to disseminate
the teachings of Islam and the effectiveness of the puppet syadat in
transforming the teachings of Islam to the people hamlet Gentong. This
research was conducted in the hamlet Gentong-Purwoasri Singosari
In collecting these data the researchers used the method of observation,
interviews, documentaries, questionnaires, and analyze the data in
percentages. Population taken in peneletian is the whole society Gentong
hamlet of 200 people, while researchers only take 40 people (20%) to
be sampled comprised of community leaders, the village, the elderly and
From the results of this study can be obtained from the data that the
purpose of the puppet Syadat is to disseminate the teachings of Islam and on the transformation of moral values of Islam through a puppet show
Syadat dikatan be very effective. Because this approach is in accordance
with the background of village communities Gentong which largely favor
the arts that smelled gamelan.


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How to Cite
Ahmad Fauzi Imron. (2016). Wayang dan Mutasi Value of Islam Dalam Permainan Wayang. HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman, 2(2), 133-164. https://doi.org/10.36835/humanistika.v2i2.139
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