• Abdulloh Hanif Institut Al Fithrah Surabaya
Keywords: Authority, Digital World, Digital Islamic Authority


The current discourse on authority cannot only be seen as a discourse on leadership or political power. Especially in matters of religion, the discourse of authority has now entered cultural spaces and disguised traditional forms of authority, such as the social structure of ulama, muftis, judges, and so on. This is especially marked by the development of internet-based information technology which has made it easier for everyone to express opinions and seek information according to their needs, so that religious issues have begun to emerge which are preached by people who are not from traditional ulama circles, and are referred to by the public as authoritative opinion. This phenomenon is what prompted this research to explore the forms of authority that exist in the Islamic world so far, and illustrate the possibility of the emergence of new forms of authority that will color the digital world. This research is qualitative in nature, specifically in the form of descriptive narrative. By tracing various concepts and connecting various existing theoretical elements, this research finds that the phenomenon of authority discourse developing in the digital world has surpassed various basic elements in previous authorities. By relying on virtual data and facts, such as likes, comments, shares, subscriptions, authority discourse finds a new foothold in establishing its authoritative nature and influencing public trust. In such a phenomenon, traditional authorities need to update their status on a new basis, namely by adapting technology.


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