Misogynistic hadith: Critical analysis of fatima mernissi's hermeneutical method

  • Luciana Anggraeni University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Jamal Jamal University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Keywords: Misogynistic Hadith, Fatima Mernissi's, Hermeneutical Method


This essay investigated the misogynistic discourse in hadith literature as analysed by Fatima Mernissi using the hermeneutic technique. According to Mernissi's study, some hadiths attributed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have misogynistic undertones, frequently expressing a position of exclusion or ban regarding women. The primary objective is to critically investigate Mernissi's hermeneutic approach, evaluating the textual evidence she presents, and investigating alternate readings that reconcile these hadiths with contemporary insights of gender equality. The method used is literature using a normative approach, namely studying the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which are known as Misogynist Hadiths to obtain values ​​and meanings that are in accordance with the Islamic worldview based on the results of searching for the hadiths' sanads and matans. The results of the research show that there are several hadiths that are proven to be dha'if but have been supported by other hadiths that are authentic in quality. As a novelty, the author found that the interpretation of Fatima Mernissi's hadith uses a hermeneutical method which is not suitable if used as a method of interpreting hadith. In understanding the hadith should use an Islamic perspective so that the meaning obtained does not conflict with the meaning that the Prophet Muhammad wanted to convey. Fiqh al-hadith shows that there are no hadiths that ignore women, the presence of hadiths that seem to marginalize women is built from a paradigm error as if the Prophet Muhammad SAW hated women.


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How to Cite
Anggraeni, L., & Jamal, J. (2024). Misogynistic hadith: Critical analysis of fatima mernissi’s hermeneutical method. HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman, 10(2), 267-282. https://doi.org/10.55210/humanistika.v10i2.1778
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