The assumption of toxic parenting in the hadith about the command to strike a child


  • Luqman Abdul Jalal STID Dirasat Islamiyah Alhikmah



Toxic parenting, hadith commands to hit children, textual, contextual


The extremist textualist group understands the hadith of the command to hit a ten year old child in order to perform prayers textually. Understand it as the final sharia. The terminology of dharaba is understood in its essentials, the minimum being a physical blow that does not leave a mark (dharban ghairu mubarrih), and the maximum being a ta'zir punishment which has a deterrent effect. Even for those who are over ten years old but still refuse to pray, punishment is added beyond just a beating, and there are those who think the death penalty if they continue to resist. This research uses a descriptive analysis method, by presenting data from literature reviews, books, journals, articles related to the issue of toxic parenting and the hadith on the command to hit children, then conclusions are drawn. The results of this research provide a comprehensive contextual analysis and conclude four things; 1). This hadith is related to a very important Islamic principle, namely the obligation to pray, so the Prophet gave a firm solution in straightforward language. 2). This hadith is an integrative unit with the Prophet's family education pattern which prioritized rewards before punishment. The Prophet never hit his children and grandchildren. 3). The Prophet educated the family with gentleness and affection, carrying and kissing his grandchildren. Very contradictory to the jahiliyah culture which hates girls and buries them alive. 4). The term dharaba means essence or majazi, some understand it as a metaphorical language style which means firmness and discipline in teaching prayer, and some understand it as a physical blow that does not hurt.


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How to Cite

Jalal, L. A. (2025). The assumption of toxic parenting in the hadith about the command to strike a child. HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman, 11(1), 44–56.