Revealing the philosophical meaning of ben-giben bejik-tettel in the marriage tradition of madurese society
Ben-Giben, Bejik-Tettel, MarriageAbstract
Madurese society has a myriad of unique traditions that are not only read in the local scope but have been famous at the national and even international levels. Judging from the marriage momentum, there is one tradition that is considered to have its uniqueness, namely Ben-Giben Bejik-Tettel. This tradition is considered a necessity by most Madurese societies as a symbol of the only tradition that other traditions cannot replace. Bejik-Tettel is a kind of traditional cake that, in the community’s opinion, must be included in carrying out a marriage as part of Ben-Giben or a gift brought by the groom’s family to the bride’s family. The cake is a symbol of the closeness of the two brides and grooms who are getting married and also a sign of the unity of two large families. Therefore, it is very urgent to uncover the secret behind this tradition by examining it from a philosophical perspective. The researchers chose a qualitative approach that aimed to reveal a symptom that occurred in the field and was contextual in seeking and understanding the traditions of the Madurese society related to the philosophical meaning of the Ben-Giben Bejik-Tettel tradition in Madurese marriage. The research results obtained first, bejik-tettel had a long-term meaning for the sustainability of household life between husband and wife to create a sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah family. Second, in the review of Islamic law, the tradition of ben-giben bejik tettel had a positive value.
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