HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman <p style="text-align: justify;">Humanistika is an Islamic journal belonging to the Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong Kraksaan Probolinggo. Humanistika is a journal that contains scientific works related to thoughts or research in the Islamic field. The existence of the journal Humanistika is certainly very important in exploring, enriching, and developing thoughts and theories and research on Islam. Thus, Humanistika journal will make a positive contribution in enriching the treasures of thought in the Islamic field. Editor's Address: Jl. PB. Sudirman No. 360 Kraksaan Probolinggo East Java 67282 Tel. (0335) 842178/085288002921 email: <strong>pISSN: <a href=";1478006059&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2460-5417</a> | eISSN : <a href=";1478006059&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2548-4400</a></strong></p> en-US (Muhammad Hifdil Islam) (Moch. Yunus) Tue, 07 May 2024 14:23:45 +0700 OJS 60 MODEL SISTEM DALAM RANCANGAN PERATURAN DAERAH FASILITASI PESANTREN DAN PENDIDIKAN KEAGAMAAN KABUPATEN KEBUMEN <p>Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis model sistem dalam rancangan peraturan daerah fasilitasi pesantren dan pendidikan keagamaan Kabupaten Kebumen. Metode penelitian dengan kualitatif <em>field research </em>dan analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan <em>Data Analysis Procedure by Application</em> (DAPA) menggunakan Atlas.ti sebagai alat analisis kualitatif dengan fitur visualisasi tinggi. Hasil penelitian dengan pesantren memiliki peluang adanya dana abadi maka pesantren dan lembaga pendidikan keagamaan melakukan pengelolaan yang baik, tertib administratif, peningkatan kualitas SDM, digitalisasi pesantren serta pengelolaan base data. Optimalisasi hibah sampai pada fasilitasi pasar, kemitraan, penguatan SDM, serta <em>linkmact</em> pesantren dengan pemerintah. Perda harus mengikuti standar hukum serta mensuport RPJMD dan RPJPD. Mitigasi potensi konflik kepentingan perlu dilakukan komunikasi berbagai pihak baik di internal pansus, pesantren, lembaga pendidikan keagamaan, dan masyarakat. Pemerintah daerah menyediakan nomenklatur pesantren dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran daerah. Pesantren dipandang dengan spektrum lebih luas dalam segala aspek dengan mempertimbangkan masukan dari masyarakat.</p> Umi Arifah, Atim Rinawati, Nining Zulfatul K., Sabda Bintang P Copyright (c) 2024 Umi Arifah, Atim Rinawati, Nining Zulfatul K., Sabda Bintang P Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:59:25 +0700 PENGARUH PEMBIASAAN DZIKIR RATIB AL-HADDAD DALAM MEMBENTUK SIKAP RAJA’ <p>Raja’ attitude has recently almost disappeared due to hydonism. Optimism, a sense of joy in hoping that the flow of God's grace will come is rare to witness in the realm of human life. In fact, what happened was that a grandson had the heart to hit his grandmother repeatedly using a scraper until he died, a teenager sexually assaulted a 5 year old child, and teenage brawls became a trend even though it had to sacrifice the lives of his friends. To avoid the loss of the raja’ attitude among students, the Raudlatus Shalihin Jatiadi Gending Probolinggo Islamic Boarding School took wise steps by getting used to it.dzikir rztib al-haddad in congregation every day after maghrib prayer. By making a habit of dhikr ratib al-haddad attitude raja’, optimism, a sense of calm and hope that the best will come from Him will become the identity of the students' character. The focus of this research is on the habit of dhikr ratib haddad as the independent variable and the raja’ attitude as the dependent variable. The research approach uses a quantitative approach and is classified as bivariate associative research. The research location is at the Raudlatul Hasaniyah Jatiadi Gending Probolinggo Islamic Boarding School. The collection instruments used questionnaires, observation and documentation with a population of 47 students. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive analysis and associative analysis assisted by the SPSS v.22 for Windows application. The research results show that there is a positive and significant influence of Dhikr Ratib al-Haddad (X) against Attitude Raja’ (Y). This means the higher the intensity of habituation Pray Rztib al-haddad the higher the display raja’ attitude Students. Based on "<strong>nilai t</strong>” of 7.251 &gt; “<strong>t. table</strong>” 0.288. So “Ho” is rejected and “Ha” is accepted. Thus there is a positive influence with variable significance Rztib al-haddad to variables Raja’.</p> Ainol Ainol Copyright (c) 2024 Ainol Ainol Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS PEMAHAMAN PENDIDIKAN MODERASI BERAGAMA PADA MASYARAKAT PESANTREN SALAF SIDOGIRI PASURUAN DALAM MENANGKAL RADIKALISME BERAGAMA <p>Indonesia with a wide variety of tribal, religious, racial and cultural diversity that makes it rich in positive and negative things. One of the negative conflicts is religious radicalism. To fortify this, one of its efforts by providing an understanding of religious moderation education to the people of Indonesia. Education institutions play an important role in studying and studying religious moderation, one of which is pesantren cottage. Pondok Sidogiri is one of the largest and oldest pesantren cottages in Indonesia that embraces the salaf education system. This research wanted to know how the level of understanding of religious moderation education in the community of Salaf Sidogiri pesantren and the influence of such understanding in counteracting religious radicalism. Qualitative research is used as a method to uncover this problem. It has been obtained that the level of understanding of religious moderation education in the Salaf Sidogiri schooling community can be sure to be good. This is based on several reasons, first, the Sidogiri curriculum that is required to be followed by all Sidogiri santri i.e. all santri must go through the lowest class to the highest class so that all scientific processes are equal. Second, the existence of Annajah program, Third, there are courses that are required to be followed by all candidate Teacher Task and Dai with the material of supplying one of them religious moderation. Fourth, Dakwah Master Trailing (DKL) program.</p> Novia Nur Rohma Copyright (c) 2024 Novia Rohma Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KONSEP MODERASI BERAGAMA BERASAS BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA PADA GURU MADRASAH DINIYAH KOTA CIREBON ABAD 21 <p>This research is an effort to explore the concept of religious moderation values based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which can be the basis for implementation for teachers in madrasah diniyah in counteracting terrorism and radicalism early on. Nowadays, terrorism and radicalism have entered the world of education. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the concept of religious moderation values based on Bhineka Tunggal Ika whether it can be a fortress to ward off terrorism and radicalism. Through the research method used, namely participatory action research (PAR), this research was designed through various stages involving teachers in the implementation process such as: (1) knowing about the condition of madrasah diniyah teachers in Cirebon city (to know), (2) understanding madrasah diniyah teachers in Cirebon city (to understand), (3) planning with madrasah diniyah teachers in Cirebon city (to plan), (4) taking action (to action), and (5) reflection / evaluation (to reflection). The results showed that the Cirebon City Diniyah teachers understood the values of religious moderation. The difference is that some have practiced in the teaching and learning process, while others are only at the thinking stage. Nevertheless, through this assistance the teachers became more aware of the implementation of religious moderation from concept to practice.</p> Risladiba Risladiba, Mutakhirani Mustafa, Hanung Sito Rohmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Risladiba Risladiba, Mutakhirani Mustafa, Hanung Sito Rohmawati Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MAJLIS SHALAWAT DALAM PERSPEKTIF SENI SAYYED HOSSEN NASR (STUDI KASUS MAJLIS SHALAWAT AL-HASANAIN GENGGONG PROBOLINGGO) <p>The concept of beauty and Islamic art is an interesting discourse to study which one at this moment, this is continuing to develop, not only being in mosques and calligraphy but also having begun to integrate Majlis Shalawat with art. The purpose of this writing is to reveal how the concepts of beauty and art contained in the Al-Hasanain Genggong prayer assembly use the concept of Hossein Nasr in the spiritual values of society. This research method is a qualitative case study method, the approach used is historical-critical-philosophical and descriptive-analytical analysis. The results of this study are 1) The beauty of Hossein Nasr's Islamic art is an art that originates from the Qur'an and Hadith, art that is based on the inner reality of “Al-Haqaiq” the Teachings of the Qur'an, and reflects the Substance of the Nabawi which is then called "Al-Barakatu Al-Muhammadiyah", 2) Majlis Shalawat AlHasanain has an amazing beauty, in where, because of this, it can also be understood that art is not only art that has beauty but also leads to increasing human religious values, 3) Majlis Shalawat Al- Hasanain uses the concept of beauty and Islamic art as being proposed by Hossein Nasr through simtuddurar readings which are Haqaiq AlQur'an and Barakatu Al-Muhammadiyah, an art that leads to increasing the Spirituality of the connoisseurs.</p> Ainul Yaqin, Achmad Khudori Soleh Copyright (c) 2024 Ainul Yaqin, Achmad Khudori Soleh Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ISLAM DAN KEPEMIMPINAN: STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DAN PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN <p>Communication activities within an organization or institution aim to form mutual understanding and equalize experiences among organizational members. With good communication, an organization can run smoothly, but otherwise the lack or absence of communication, the organization can fall apart. Therefore, communication in making a decision in the organization is very important because the presence of the leader becomes one of the spearheads of success in the organization. This study aims to explore the analysis of communication and decision-making strategies in the context of Islamic leadership. The findings of this study challenge the view of Juhji 2020 who claims that leadership consists of a hierarchical structure that places primary attention on followers. Instead, this study reveals that the dynamics of the relationship between leaders and the led are not always bound by traditional hierarchical structures that place status class differences between superiors and subordinates. In the Islamic context, the concept of leadership is associated with the concept of khalifah which signifies the leader's role as God's representative on earth, tasked with upholding His will and taking care of His world. On the other hand, every individual in Islam is considered a caliph, regardless of social or economic status. In general, the role of communication in leadership in the decision-making process involves principles such as fairness, listening to the opinions of other members, supporting the achievement of organizational goals, creating a safe environment, representing the organization with inspiring service, and valuing the contributions of organizational members.</p> Nur Laili Komairatul Fitria, Abdul Malik Karim Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Laili Komairatul Fitria, Abdul Malik Karim Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 POLA-POLA SILOGISME DAN KONSTRUKSI LOGICAL FALLACY DALAM AL-QUR’AN PERSPEKTIF ABŪ HĀMID AL-GHĀZĀLĪ <p>Penggunaan ilmu mantiq sebagai landasan menafsiri al-Qur’an terdapat pro dan kontra di kalangan ulama’. Al-Ghazālī adalah ulama’ yang memperbolehkan penggunaannya dalam menafsiri al-Qur’an. Dalam kitab al-Qisṭās al-Mustaqīm, al-Ghazālī berusaha memberikan argumentasi ilmiyah untuk mempertahankan pendapatnya tersebut. Cara yang dia gunakan adalah dengan meneliti perdebatan-perdebatan di dalam al-Qur’an lalu mempolarisasinya. Pola pola tersebut dia istilahkan dengan nama mīzān. Al-Ghazālī sama sekali tidak menyebut bahwa pola-pola yang dia temukan tersebut adalah qiyās/silogisme. Dalam penelitian ini penulis ingin mempertegas bahwa apa yang ditemukan al-Ghazālī tersebut sebenarnya adalah silogisme dengan berbagai macam pola dan konstruksinya. Peneliti tertarik kepada sosok al-Ghazālī sebab dia adalah salah satu rujukan mayoritas umat Islam di seluruh dunia sedangkan menurut penelusuran peneliti, penelitian terhadap tafsir al-Ghazālī masih jarang dijumpai. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang pola-pola silogisme dan konstruksi logical fallacy di dalam al-Qur’an menurut perspektif al-Ghazālī di dalam kitab al-Qisṭās al-Mustaqīm. Adapun kerangka teori yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ījāz dan qiyās manṭiqī. Jenis metode penelitian ini adalah library research dengan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi dan dengan metode content analysis dalam menganalisis data. Dari penelitian ini peneliti menyimpulkan pola-pola silogisme di dalam al-Qur’an perspektif al-Ghazālī dalam kitab al-Qisṭās al-Mustaqīm ada lima pola dan kontstruksi logical fallacy di dalam al-Qur’an menurut perspektif al-Ghazālī adakalanya berasal dari segi mīzān atau metode tolak ukur kebenaran pengetahuan dan adakalanya dari segi bahan premisnya.</p> Ahmad Rifqi Azmi, Abd Kholid Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifqi Azmi Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MELACAK TIPOLOGI OTORITAS DALAM ISLAM SEBAGAI UPAYA MENGGAMBAR OTORITAS DI DUNIA DIGITAL <p><em>The current discourse on authority cannot only be seen as a discourse on leadership or political power. Especially in matters of religion, the discourse of authority has now entered cultural spaces and disguised traditional forms of authority, such as the social structure of ulama, muftis, judges, and so on. This is especially marked by the development of internet-based information technology which has made it easier for everyone to express opinions and seek information according to their needs, so that religious issues have begun to emerge which are preached by people who are not from traditional ulama circles, and are referred to by the public as authoritative opinion. This phenomenon is what prompted this research to explore the forms of authority that exist in the Islamic world so far, and illustrate the possibility of the emergence of new forms of authority that will color the digital world. This research is qualitative in nature, specifically in the form of descriptive narrative. By tracing various concepts and connecting various existing theoretical elements, this research finds that the phenomenon of authority discourse developing in the digital world has surpassed various basic elements in previous authorities. By relying on virtual data and facts, such as likes, comments, shares, subscriptions, authority discourse finds a new foothold in establishing its authoritative nature and influencing public trust. In such a phenomenon, traditional authorities need to update their status on a new basis, namely by adapting technology.</em></p> Abdulloh Hanif Copyright (c) 2024 Abdulloh Hanif Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:52:20 +0700 ANALISIS STRATEGI KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMBINAAN GURU DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH <p><em><span lang="IN">This research explores the strategies of school principals in improving the quality of teacher learning at State Elementary Madrasah (MIN) 4 in Banjarmasin City, as well as identifying inhibiting factors and proposed solutions. The study employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that the strategies employed by the Madrasah principal to enhance teacher quality include organizing workshops, providing opportunities for teachers to pursue further education up to the master's level, and promoting teacher professionalism through supervision and encouragement for continuous learning. Additionally, teachers are encouraged to enhance their technology skills. Challenges faced in improving teacher quality include inadequate technology skills and low levels of discipline. To address these issues, the Madrasah principal offers solutions such as computer courses for teachers, mentoring, motivation, and encouragement for teachers to be more disciplined and arrive earlier</span></em></p> Sabariah Sabariah, Fitriani Fitriani, Hartono Hartono, Suharyanto Suharyanto, Sulistiami Sulistiami, Agustina Rahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Sabariah, Fitriani Fitriani, Hartono Hartono, Suharyanto Suharyanto, Sulistiami Sulistiami, Agustina Rahmi Sat, 04 May 2024 20:09:37 +0700 GOG AND MAGOG ACCORDING TO SEMITIC RELIGION (COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS IN THREE SEMITIC RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES) <p><em>The story of Gog and Magog in history is mysterious. Its different mentions in endless history make it interesting to discuss. In this paper, the author wants to explain the story of Gog and Magog according to the Semitic Religions, which includes Islam, Judaism and Christianity. It is expected that this paper can provide new references and knowledge. In this research process, the writer used a literature study using a comparative-analytic and historical research design in examining the contents of the holy books of the three Semitic religions, and the researcher used a type of library research to collect data through existing primary and secondary data sources. As for the results of this study, the authors found that Gog and Magog in the Semitic religions have similarities and differences. From their similarities, each of these three religions analogizes Gog and Magog as creatures who like to cause destruction and chaos on earth. And on the other side, the author finds differences in their story and history, one of which, in the Qur'an mentions them as Ya'juj and Ma'juj, while in the Bible and Torah they call them by Gog and Magog.</em></p> Asep Awaludin, Andrie Setiawan Raflie Copyright (c) 2024 Asep Awaludin, Andrie Setiawan Raflie Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:51:45 +0700 INTEGRASI AGAMA DAN FILSAFAT IBNU RUSYD <p>In the modern era, religious science is seen as a different thing because it is considered something unscientific. Modern man began to be at the point of positivism so as to deny things that could not be proven empirically. A long with the development of technology, empirical knowledge outperformed rational knowledge. In fact, the doctrine of belief in God began to be abandoned by the world community and turned to scientific knowledge. Unlike the classical Islamic period which brought general sciences along with religion. This article aims to analyze the integration of Ibn Rushd’s religion and philosophy. The research method used is literature study, with historical-critical-philosophical approach and descriptive-analytical analysis. The result is that 1) The source of philosophy is man, who in this case is a sound human mind and heart and strives hard and earnestly to seek the truth and finally obtain the truth. 2) The concept of integration of science is seen in the relationship between normativity (‘ilm al-yaqin/bayani) and history(‘ain al-yaqin/burhani), which is like a coin (currency) with two surfaces. 3) An integrated relationship between religion and science will have an impact on increasing insights that include more science and religion so that both can work together actively.</p> Abdulloh Rifqi Copyright (c) 2024 Abdulloh Rifqi Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MODERASI BERAGAMA SOCIAL DISTANCING SHALAT IDUL FITRI BERDAMPINGAN LAKI-LAKI PEREMPUAN DI PONPES Al ZAYTUN <p>Shalat berjama’ah ialah dengan meletakkan kaum jamaah laki-laki ada di depan kaum jamaah perempuan ada dibelakang dan baru-baru ini ada pelaksanaan shalat <em>Ied</em> yang dilaksanakan dengan berjamaah sambil <em>Ikhtilat</em> yaitu bercampurnya laki-laki dengan jamaah perempuan yang dibatasi dengan batas jarak atau <em>sosial distancing</em> yang dilaksanakan di salah satu pondok pesantren yang dikenal dengan pondok pesantren al-Zaytun tepatnya di Indramayu Jawa Barat, penelitian ini mengajukan dua rumusan masalah <em>Satu </em>Bagaimanakah konsep moderasi beragama berkaitan dengan keabsahan pelaksanaan Shalat Idul Firi dengan cara<em> Social Distancing</em>? <em>Dua</em> Bagaimanakah konsep moderasi beragama berkaitan dengan keabsahan pelaksanaan Shalat Idul Fitri dengan cara Berdampingan atau<em> Ikhthilat </em>laki-laki dan perempuan?. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa <em>Satu</em> jumhur ulama <em>Madzâhib al-Arb’a</em> mengatakan masalah merapatkan shaf di dalam shalat hukumnya adalah sunnah dan pelaksanaan shalat dengan cara<em> sosial distancing </em>tetap bisa diakatan sah. <em>Dua</em> Pelaksanaan Shalat Berjamaah berdampingan Pondok Pesantren Al zaytun antara laki-laki dan perempuan jika wanita shalat sejajar (disamping) laki-laki dan diantara keduanya ada pembatas baik dinding atau tempat kosong memungkinkan untuk shalat maka bersepakat bahwa shalatnya tidak ada yang batal tetap sah</p> moh sa'i affan Copyright (c) 2024 moh sa'i affan Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:01:03 +0700 MENALAR GRAND THEORY “AZAS MEMPERSULIT PERCERAIAN” MELALUI QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH <p>Penelitian ini mengangkat judul tentang <strong>Menalar Graand Theory “Azas Mempersulit Perceraian” Melalui</strong><strong> <em>Qawaid Fiqhiyyah</em>. </strong>Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (<em>library research</em>) dengan pendekatan <em>yuridis normative</em> dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengkaji buku dan kitab tentang talak, ushul fiqh, dan kaidah tentang talak sebagai data sekunder berbahan primer, dan buku-buku yang lainnya yang berhubungan dengan pembahasan penelitian ini sebagai bahan sekunder, sehingga pola ini berbentuk kualitatif. Di samping itu, analisa yang penulis gunakan adalah <em>analisis deskriptif</em>. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan kesimpulan bahwa Dalam realita yang terjadi sekarang ini di dalam masyarakat kasus talak sangat banyak terjadi baik pasangan suami istri muda maupun tua, bahkan terjadi talak dengan alasan yang sangat ringan. Adapun tahapan perceraian di Mahkamah Syar’iyah adalah pihak yang ingin melakukan perceraian mengajukan permohonan talaknya ke Mahkamah Syar’iyah, kemudian dalam tahapan perceraian di Mahkamah Syar’iyah, seseorang tersebut harus melalui beberapa proses, diantaranya pengajuan surat gugatan, mediasi (hakam), pembuktian, dan yang terakhir pembacaan keputusan oleh Majlis Hakim. Untuk mengantisipasi mudahnya terjadi perceraian, para ulama menggunakan kaidah eliminasi (pengurangan atau penyempitan) kesulitan bagi manusia. Artinya terkadang dalam keadaan tertentu, ketetapan Allah sulit dilaksanakan oleh manusia. Oleh karena itu, kebolehan menceraikan istri dikhususkan bagi pasangan yang tidak dapat lagi menyelamatkan keharmonisan rumah tangganya. Kaidah fiqh yang dibentuk ulama dalam rangka mengeliminasi kesulitan adalah: لَاضَرَرَ وَلَاضِرَارَ, الضَّرُوْرَةُ تُبِيْحُ اْلمَخْظُوْرَاتُ, الضَّرَرُ يُزَالُ</p> safriadi Saifuddin, Nazaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 safriadi Saifuddin, Nazaruddin Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PROBLEM KEBERAGAMAAN KALANGAN TRANSGENDER DALAM PERSPEKTIF AGAMAWAN ISLAM DAN BUDDHA <p><em>The reality of society lately is a wave of abnormality in human life which has actually eroded the morals, values ​​and morals of the life of the ummah. Diversity is the understanding of religious adherents of the doctrines, teachings of God whose truth is certain. Modern humans understand hedonic reasons for freedom and human rights, as if humans are free in all respects. In their religious rituals, transgender people understand that individual affairs with God are still believed in and carried out. This research was conducted using library research. Research on the problem of diversity among transgender people from the perspective of Muslim and Buddhist clergy, in principle, is a library study which can also be interpreted as a research using writing, editing and grouping data obtained from literary sources. According to Hamka, transgender is a devil's trick on humans, to lead them astray from the path that God wills. Satan promises attractive profits even though they bring losses, promises a happy future even though they are wretched. Buddhism is a religious teaching in terms of not making a big deal about it, as long as you keep doing good in the world and reach heaven. The conclusion of the religious perspective has different religious values ​​among transgender people, that Islam has no tolerance in worship if it has made physical changes. Striving to return to the way it was born in the world. Buddhism is a religious teaching that means it doesn't matter, as long as you keep doing good in the world and reach heaven.</em></p> Rovi Husnaini Copyright (c) 2024 Rovi Husnaini Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:03:56 +0700 POLITIK EKOLOGI HIJAU (PERSPEKTIF ISLAM) DALAM KONTESTASI PEMILU 2024 <p>Artikel&nbsp; ini membahas tentang kajian lingkungan berkaitan dengan politik ekologi hijau (perspektif Islam) dalam konteks pemilu 2024. Fenomena penegasian kelestarian alam dan lingkungan juga bisa disebabkan oleh sains modern, di mana karena faktor itu—manusia abai terhadap lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, yang berupaya menggungkapkan fenomena sosial politik dengan jelas dan tepat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Islam menawarkan konsep fiqih ekologi dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek khususnya terkait pengembangan industri. Teori politik hijau merupakan ideologi politik yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan secara ekologis yang berakar pada kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup, keadilan sosial dan kehidupan demokrasi yang dibangun dari perilaku dan budaya yang dimiliki setiap individu. Kontestasi pemilu 2024 menghadirkan tiga pasangan calon, tentunya yang mampu menawarkan gagasan serta politik ekologi hijau demi terciptanya ekosistem lingkungan yang memadai dalam keberlanjutan kehidupan di Indonesia akan dapat menarik pemilih. Ketiga paslon mempunyai visi dan misi bidang lingkungan, yang kesemuanya konsentrasi kepada pemeliharan lingkungan, energi terbarukan yang nantinya mempunyai dampak positif dan ekonomis bagi Masyarakat.</p> Miftakhur Ridlo, Moch. Yunus Copyright (c) 2024 Miftakhur Ridlo, Moch. Yunus Sun, 28 Apr 2024 10:02:12 +0700