Implementation of servant leadership at LKP Quali International Surabaya (QIS)

  • Lili Musyafa’ah College of Arabic Language and Da'wah at Sunan Ampel Grand Mosque Surabaya
  • Subira Kaserero Saint Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Farah Nur Jihan Quali Internasional Surabaya
Keywords: Implementation, servant leadership, quali international surabaya, non formal education


Servant Leadership is a leadership approach that focuses on service to others. The main characteristics of servant leadership are explained in detail, including a focus on service to Team members and the communities served, the ability to understand and feel the experiences of others, as well as the concepts of leadership by example, empowerment, focus on growth and development, building strong relationships, and collaborative decision making. Apart from that, this text describes the implementation of servant leadership at LKP Quali International Surabaya (QIS) along with the results achieved, including improving the quality of the institution and the awards obtained. Effective implementation of servant leadership has played an important role in creating an inclusive work environment, empowering Team members, and encouraging more holistic and sustainable decision making at LKP QIS. Thus, this text provides a systematic overview of the concept of servant leadership and its positive influence in educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Musyafa’ah, L., Kaserero, S., & Jihan, F. N. (2024). Implementation of servant leadership at LKP Quali International Surabaya (QIS). At- Ta’lim : Jurnal Pendidikan, 10(2), 211-217.
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