Pasar Persaingan Sempurna dalam Islam

  • Novita Lidyana Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong
Keywords: Market, erfect Competition, Islamic Market


The market is a meeting place for buyers and sellers to make buying and selling of goods or services. According to economics, the market is not the place associated with its activities. Characteristic of a market is the existence of a transaction or activity of buying and selling. Perfect competition (perfectly competitive market) is a market where there are many buyers and sellers so that the effect of each of the market prices can be ignored because so small Islam, Muslims were encouraged to try anything as long as the corridor of sharia, meaning that as long as that did not violate provisions in syariatkan Allah. Similarly, in terms of economic activity, all should be done as long as it does not violate the rules. The market mechanism is built in Islam based on the norms of Islamic teachings related to economic activity. The market mechanism is not a perfect thing or raw so that it is possible to fail in achieving economic objectives. This is where the intervention is needed so that the market mechanism run in accordance with the interests of the Islamic economy.

How to Cite
Novita Lidyana. (1). Pasar Persaingan Sempurna dalam Islam. Iqtishodiyah : Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam, 2(1), 65-78.
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