Asy-Syari'ah: Jurnal Hukum Islam is a journal published by the Faculty of Sharia, Zainul Hasan Islamic University Genggong, Probolinggo. This journal is published twice (January and June). The editors invite academics, lecturers, and researchers to participate in writing articles in this journal. Articles are structured scientific works or research results that are in accordance with the platform of this journal. This e-journal is an online version of the print edition published by the Faculty of Sharia, Zainul Hasan Islamic University Genggong, Probolinggo, located at Jl. P.B, Sudirman, No. 360, Kraksaan, Probolinggo, 67282. ISSN (Cetak): 2460-3856 ISSN (Online): 2548-5903